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- 中科院昆明動(dòng)物所趙旭東研究組等揭示卵巢癌發(fā)病機制
時(shí)間:2017/8/9 14:40:21 -
2017年7月7日,國際著(zhù)名腫瘤學(xué)雜志《Cancer Research》上在線(xiàn)發(fā)表了中國科學(xué)院昆明動(dòng)物研究所腫瘤干細胞生物學(xué)學(xué)科組趙旭東研究員與四川大學(xué)鄒方東教授研究組合作的一篇研究論文,研究發(fā)現HUWE1通過(guò)泛素化降解H1.3維持卵巢癌的發(fā)生發(fā)展,揭示HUWE1功能調節極有可能是藥物治療的潛在靶標,為卵巢癌的發(fā)病機制和臨床治療提供了新的研究方向。昆明動(dòng)物所、四川大學(xué)聯(lián)培博士研究生楊東、昆明動(dòng)物所博士研究生孫彬及廣州市婦女兒童醫療中心張曉紅為文章共同第一作者,趙旭東研究員和鄒方東教授為文章通訊作者。
泛素介導的蛋白質(zhì)降解對于腫瘤的發(fā)生發(fā)展至關(guān)重要,且HECT E3泛素連接酶越來(lái)越成為腫瘤治療的靶點(diǎn)。HUWE1是一種3’末端含HECT結構域的E3泛素化連接酶,分子量為482kDa。HUWE1通過(guò)調節其底物的穩定性,控制著(zhù)細胞內大量與腫瘤發(fā)生密切相關(guān)的生物學(xué)過(guò)程,例如DNA損傷修復、細胞增殖、凋亡、分化以及細胞內穩態(tài)等。目前關(guān)于HUWE1是抑癌基因還是原癌基因仍存在很大爭議,這可能取決于腫瘤類(lèi)型。據報道在大約70%的卵巢癌中HUWE1表達上調,但具體作用不明。
Huwe1 sustains normal ovarian epithelial cell transformation and tumor growth through the histone H1.3-H19 cascade
Ubiquitination-directed protein degradation is important in many cancers for tumor initiation and maintenance, and E3 ligases containing HECT domains are emerging as new therapeutic targets. In contrast to many other E3 ligases, the role of HUWE1 in ovarian cancer where HUWE1 is dysregulated has been unclear. Here we report that genetic deletion of Huwe1 in the mouse inhibits transformation of ovary surface epithelium cells without significantly affecting cell survival and apoptosis, and that Huwe1 deletion after tumors have been initiated inhibits tumor growth. In Huwe1-deficient cells, expression of histone H1.3 increased, inhibiting the expression of noncoding RNA H19. H19 silencing phenocopied the effects of Huwe1 deficiency, whereas H1.3 silencing partially rescued the expression of H19 and the Huwe1 null phenotype. Inducible silencing of HUWE1 in human ovarian cancer cells produced a similar phenotype. Mechanistically, HUWE1 bound and ubiquitinated H1.3, which was consequently marked for destruction by proteasomes. Our results establish that HUWE1 plays an essential role in promoting ovarian cancer.
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